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Latest version This version Previous versionWeb technologies have become powerful enough that they are used to build full-featured applications; this has been true for many years in the desktop and laptop computer realm, but is increasingly so on mobile devices as well.This document summarizes the various technologies developed in W3C that increase the capabilities of Web applications, and how they apply more specifically to the mobile context. A good subset of these technologies are described and explained in the.Status and changesThis document is the 18th edition of this overview of mobile Web applications technologies. The previous edition was released in. A live version of this document accepts contributions on.This document is published by the; feedback on every aspect of this document should be sent to, the of the interest group, or raised as, or alternatively to the author. Scalable Vector Graphics, provides an XML-based markup language to describe two-dimensions vector graphics. Since these graphics are described as a set of geometric shapes, they can be zoomed at the user request, which makes them well-suited to create graphics on mobile devices where screen space is limited.

They can also be easily animated, enabling the creation of very advanced and slick user interfaces.The integration of SVG in HTML5 opens up new possibilities, for instance applying advanced graphic filters (through SVG filters) to multimedia content, including videos. Is set to facilitate that integration and complete the set of features in SVG.In complement to the declarative approach provided by SVG, the element added in HTML5 enables a that is well-suited for processing graphics in a less memory intensive way. That API not only allows rendering graphics, but can also be used to do image processing and analysis — adds the ability to do that.Both SVG and HTML can be styled using (Cascading Style Sheets); in particular, CSS3 (the third level of the specification) is built as a collection of specifications set to offer a large number of new features that make it simple to create graphical effects, such as, ( ), (, including with ). Fonts play also an important role in building appealing graphical interfaces, but mobile devices are in general distributed with only a limited set of fonts. ( Web Open Font Format) addresses that limitation by making it easy to use fonts that are automatically downloaded through style sheets, while keeping the size of the downloaded fonts limited to what is actually needed to render the interface. The upcoming update to that format promises 25%-smaller download sizes; on mobile, a 35% reduction in the time needed to download and display these fonts has been measured.Given the time required for downloading fonts over mobile networks, authors need to adapt their content to the progressive availability of fonts; gives the necessary events to developers to enable that adaptation.Another important aspect in graphics-intensive applications (e.g. Games) is the possibility to use the entire screen to display the said graphics; the work on a to request and detect full screen display, previously co-developed by the Web Applications and CSS Working Groups, has now fully moved to the.Likewise, in these scenarios, it is often useful to be able to lock the orientation of the screen; the allows not only to detect orientation change, but also to lock the orientation in a specific state.NB: a, has been developed outside of W3C, as part of the; this API has been built to be compatible with, i.e.

For embedded systems, and is intended to work on mobile devices. Offer a mechanism that allows adapting the layout and behavior of a Web page based on some of the characteristics of the device, including the screen resolution — to which proposes to add the availability and type of a pointing device, the ability to hover over elements, and the ambient luminosity. It also lets developers the ability to define media queries that, making it easier to integrate these adaptation rules in the overall logic of the app.defines a set of CSS directives to define the size on which this layout should be based, relatively to the size of the underlying device — specifying what has been implemented using the element so far.let design layouts that adapt to the dimensions of the viewport, while lets text adapt to zoomed parts of a page. For richer interactions, the Web platform provides the makes it possible to load the content of a file.Discussions have started on a new proposal for a.Meanwhile, the provides a simply mechanism to trigger a file download (rather than a page navigation), with the possibility of setting a user-friendly filename.On top of this file-based access, the (IndexedDB) defines a database of values and hierarchical objects that integrates naturally with JavaScript, and can be queried and updated very efficiently - a is under development. Note that the work around a, which had been started in 2009, has been abandoned in favor of this new system.As more and more data need to be stored by the browser (e.g. For offline usage), it becomes critical for developers to get reliable storage space, which the proposed will offer to Web applications.

An increasing share of mobile devices relies on touch-based interactions. While the traditional interactions recognized in the Web platform (keyboard, mouse input) can still be applied in this context, a more specific handling of touch-based input is a critical aspect of creating well-adapted user experiences, which (Document Object Model) enable.


The work on that specification is now nearly finished.Meanwhile, the has made good progress on an alternative approach to handle user input, that allows to handle mouse, touch and pen events under a single model. It provides a complementary and more unified approach to the currently more widely deployed Touch Events.In particular, the that lets filter gesture events on elements is gaining traction beyond implementations of Pointer Events.The early proposal for an would provide information about a given “mouse” event comes from a touch-capable device. As more and more content gets rendered as long scrollable lists, more and more logic is attached to scrolling events, and the quality of the user experience of these actions is highly dependent on their performances. The hardware constraints of mobile devices, and their different usage context can make. These similarities in barriers mean that similar solutions can be used to cater for them, a natural goal (as detailed in ).The WCAG and UAWG Working Group provide guidance on mobile accessibility in — that is, making websites and applications more accessible to people with disabilities when they are using mobile phones and a broad range of other devices.provides semantic information on widgets, structures and behaviors hooks to make Web applications more accessible, including on mobile devices.

Api 613 Latest Edition Of Internet Service

The provides a common interface for locating the device, independently of the underlying technology (GPS, WIFI networks identification, triangulation in cellular networks, etc.).Work towards a new (i.e. An API to detect when a device enters a given geographical area) has started.Web applications can also now access orientation and acceleration data via the.A number of APIs for other sensors are under development: the, the, the or the proposed.

The Device APIs Working Group has started an effort to propose.As already mentioned in the section on, there is ongoing work on streams.had been chartered to develop APIs for accessing from Near-Field Communications systems to Web runtimes, but outside the traditional Web security model; as the need and requirements to bring NFC interactions under that model have become clearer, the existing NFC Working Group has been closed, and work on has started in the.A was started to develop a with a particular goal of supporting Bluetooth Low Energy devices. (the basis for Ajax development) is a widely deployed API to load content from Web servers using the HTTP and HTTPs protocol: the W3C specification (formerly known as XMLHttpRequest Level 2) was meant to document the existing deployed API (with the ability to make requests on servers in a different domain, programmatic feedback on the progress of the network operations, and more efficient handling of binary content), but that. XMLHttpRequest is useful for client-initiated network requests, but mobile devices with their limited network capabilities and the cost that network requests induce on their battery (and sometimes on their users bill) can often make better use of server-initiated requests.

The API allows triggering DOM events based on push notifications (via HTTP and other protocols.)Early work on a would allow Web applications to receive server-sent messages whether or not the said Web app is active in a browser window. An is under discussion to standardize the protocol aspects of the mechanism.The, built on top of the IETF, offers a bidirectional, more flexible, and less resource intensive network connectivity than XMLHttpRequest.The work on will also provide direct peer-to-peer data connections between browsers with real-time characteristics, opening the way to collaborative multi-devices Web applications.Of course, an important part of using network connectivity relies on being able to determine if such connectivity exists, and the type of network available. The (and its associated change event, ononline) signals when network connectivity is available to the Web environment.

HTML5’s enables access to Web applications off-line through the definition of a manifest of files that the browser is expected to keep in its cache.While relatively well deployed, the current approach has shown some strong limitations in terms of how much developers can control what gets cached when. The Web Applications Working Group has thus been developing a more powerful approach,.Not only does Service Worker enables Web applications to work seamlessly off-line or in poor network conditions, it also creates a model for Web applications to operate when they have not been opened in a browser window, or even if the browser itself is not running.That ability opens the door for Web applications that run in the background and can react to remotely triggered events.The makes it possible to trigger a task at a specified time via the Web app service worker. While the System Applications Working Group in which this API was developed has closed, the ServiceWorker-based approach taken in the specifications may make it an interesting starting point for further work in this space.Similarly, the new enables to wake up a Web app when a device enters a specified geographical area.The enables Web applications to subscribe to remote notifications that, upon reception, wake them up.

Api 613 Latest Edition Of Internet

Native applications have long enjoyed the benefits of greater user engagement that these notifications bring, and soon Web applications will share that ability.Likewise, the specification will enable Web applications to keep their user data up to date seamlessly, by running network operations in the background.The specification lets developers detect when their application is in the foreground, and thus adapt their operations and resource consumption accordingly. FeatureSpecificationWorking GroupMaturityStabilityLatest editors draftCurrent implementationsDevelopers docTest suiteIntegrated paymentEarly draftVery limitedSupport for autocomplete-cc Supported in Safari on iOS unknown? Supported in Internet Explorer on Windows Phone unknown? Supported in Firefox mobile unknown?

Supported in Android browser unknown? Supported in Opera mobile unknown? Supported in Chrome for Android from version 31 31+None8.Performance & TuningDue to their limited CPU, and more importantly to their limited battery, mobile devices require a lot of attention in terms of performance.The work started by the on, and, gives tools to Web developers for optimizing their Web applications. The work on the API aims at providing detailed information on the frame-per-second obtained when an application is running on the user device.The and specifications let developers optimize the download of resources by enabling to delay either the download or the execution of the downloaded resource.

The proposed work on offers the opportunity to Web developers to use more efficiently asynchronous programming, but has so far gained very limited traction.The similarly proposes a way for scheduling an operation at the next opportunity when the app is not processing another operation.The ( Page Visibility API) can also be used to adapt the usage of resources to the need of the Web application, for instance by reducing network activity when the page is minimized. Likewise, the can help reduce the usage of resources needed for playing animations.Beyond optimization of resources, the perceived reactivity of an application is also a critical aspect of the mobile user experience. The thread-like mechanism made possible via allows keeping the user interface responsive by offloading the most resource-intensive operations into a background process.The allows adjusting the use of resources to the current level of power available in the battery of a mobile device.The provide general advice on how to build Web applications that work well on mobile devices, taking into account in particular the needs for optimization. The opportunity to update these best practices is in the. For legacy reasons, this policy is not as stringent on some parts of the Web platform, exposing users to greater attack surface via cross-site scripting or cross-site request forgery.