Art History Marilyn Stokstad Third Edition Notes On A Scandal Rating: 3,9/5 9036 votes

Product Information. Art History Portable Editionby Marilyn Stokstad offers exactly the same content as Art History, Third Editionbut in smaller individual booklets for maximum student portability. The combined six segment set consists of four booklets that correspond to major periods in Western art and two that cover global art. Each book is available individually, making them ideal for courses focused on individual periods. Book 1: Art History: Ancient Art can be used for such courses as: Prehistoric Art in Europe Art of the Ancient Near East Art of Ancient Egypt Aegean Art Art of Ancient Greece Etruscan and Roman Art Book 1: Art History: Ancient Art Book 2: Art History: Medieval Art Book 3: Art History: A View of the World, Part One: Asian, African, and Islamic Art and Art of the Americas Book 4: Art History: Fourteenth to Seventeenth Century Art Book 5: Art History: A View of the World, Part Two: Asian, African, and Oceanic Art and Art of the Americas Book 6: Art History: Eighteenth to Twenty-First Century.

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Art History Marilyn Stokstad Third Edition Notes On A Scandal Pdf

Preface viWhat's New viTools for Understanding Art History viiiFaculty and Student Resources for Art History xvAcknowledgements xviUse Notes xixStarter Kit xxIntroduction xxvi1. PREHISTORIC ART IN EUROPE 1THE STONE AGE 2THE PALEOLITHIC PERIOD 2Shelter or Architecture? 2Artifacts or Works of Art?


4Cave Painting 6THE NEOLITHIC PERIOD 11Rock-Shelter Art 12Architecture 13Sculpture and Ceramics 19FROM STONE TO METAL 20The Bronze Age 20The Proto-Historic Iron Age 21IN PERSPECTIVE 22TIMELINE 23BOXESTHE OBJECT SPEAKS Prehistoric Woman and Man 18ELEMENTS OF ARCHITECTUREPost-and-Lintel and Corbel Construction 14TECHNIQUEPrehistoric Wall Painting 8Fiber Arts 17Pottery and Ceramics 20ART AND ITS CONTEXTThe Power of Naming 5SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYHow Early Art Is Dated 132. ART OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST 24THE FERTILE CRESCENT AND MESOPOTAMIA 26The First Cities 26The Arts 28SOUTHERN MESOPOTAMIA29Sumer 29Akkad 36Lagash and Gudea 37Babylon: Hammurabi's Code 37THE HITTITES OF ANATOLIA 37LATER MESOPOTAMIAN ART 40Assyria 40Neo-Babylonia 42PERSIA42Empire 42Persepolis 42Persian Coinage 45IN PERSPECTIVE 46TIMELINE 47BOXESTHE OBJECT SPEAKS The Code of Hammurabi 38TECHNIQUECuneiform Writing 32Textiles 44Coining Money 46ART AND ITS CONTEXTArt as Spoils of War-Protection or Theft? ART OF ANCIENT EGYPT 48THE GIFT OF THE NILE 50EARLY DYNASTIC EGYPT 50Manetho's List 51Religion and the State 51Artistic Conventions 52Funerary Architecture 55THE OLD KINGDOM, c. 2575 2150 BCE 56Architecture: The Pyramids at Giza 57Sculpture 59Tomb Decoration 62THE MIDDLE KINGDOM, c. 1640 BCE 62Sculpture: Royal Portraits 63Tomb Architecture and Funerary Objects 63Town Planning 66THE NEW KINGDOM, c.

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1539 1075 BCE 67The Great Temple Complexes 67The Valley of the Kings and Queens 70Akhenaten and the Art of the Amarna Period 72The Return to Tradition: Tutankhamun and Rameses I 75The Books of the Dead 78LATE EGYPTIAN ART, c. 715 332 BCE 79IN PERSPECTIVE 80TIMELINE 81BOXESTHE OBJECT SPEAKS The Temples of Rameses IIat Abu Simbel 76ELEMENTS OF ARCHITECTUREMastaba to Pyramid 56TECHNIQUEPreserving the Dead 55Egyptian Painting and Sculpture 64Glassmaking and Egyptian Faience 70ART AND ITS CONTEXTEgyptian Symbols 52Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, and Demotic Writing 784. AGEAN ART 82THE BRONZE AGE IN THE AEGEAN 84THE CYCLADIC ISLANDS 84THE MINOAN CIVILIZATION ON CRETE 86The Old Palace Period, c. 1900 1700 BCE 86The New Palace Period, c. 1700 1450 BCE 89THE MYCENAEAN (HELLADIC) CULTURE 95Helladic Architecture 95Metalwork 102Sculpture 103Ceramic Arts 104IN PERSPECTIVE 104TIMELINE 105BOXESTHE OBJECT SPEAKS The Lion Gate 100TECHNIQUEAegean Metalwork 93ART AND ITS CONTEXTPioneers of Aegean Archaeology 8.