Star Wars Lightsaber Pepakura Files Foam Rating: 4,0/5 1434 votes

Hello Ladies and Gents,Here I will be building and showing my best attempt at a tutorial for making (My 1st Attempt sewing) a Jedi Guardian costume. The sections shall consist of:Using Pepakura style modified files for foam and descriptions for the armorResources on where to get the materials (U.S. Territories)Links to Videos where I learnedPhoto's galore of my progress and to show examples.Please be patient for this build will take a long time. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is encouraged. Being a fan of making things I can appreciate a short thread. So, although I appreciate positive feedback, please keep it to a minimum and simply message me for questions. Please let visitors to this thread able to quickly scan the thread without having to click page after page of comments that could be directed through private messaging.

What is Pepakura?Basically there are really smart and talented folks out there who have rendered 3D virual images of your favorite characters. Master Chief, Storm Troopers yadda yadda. So, these fine additions to the human condition convert these images into a program called pepakura that allows you to print off paper (Usually Cardstock - Available at most office supply stores including Wal-Mart, I recommend 110lbs). You cut the peices out and glue them together (using a hot glue gun/sticks works best) and with some skill and imagination you can construct a real 3D model of your desired piece.The website to download the 'viewer':The viewer allows you to manipulate the piece(s) but you cannot save the changes. The 'designer' allows you to save the changes you make.I suggest you check out these videos to better understand. Tools you'll need.Various thicknesses of pens/pencils.Card Stock PaperPrinterScissorsHobby/X-Acto Knife or similar cutting tool - Keep in mind the thickness of the material you are cutting (Thick foam or thin paper)Glue (Preferably Hot Glue Gun with High Heat Sticks)Scotch Tape(Spray Adhesive Optional)Measuring tape (The kind that seamstresses use NOT the kind that carpenters use)Foam: It can be various styles, thicknesses but this is what I'll be using.and.Mind you. You can do an alternative method that uses pepakura and cardboard or fiberglass resin with automotive body filler (Bondo).


Again, youtube. This is a foam build tutorial for us cheapskates. I forgot to mention. All the measurements in Pepakura viewer/designer is in Centimeter (Cm). So, when measuring yourself or whomever, use CENTIMETER.

And do it before you even THINK about printing anything. Here's how you do the scaling.the measurements are in three digits.

For example: If you measure 32 then you should type in 320. And so forth. If you feel the need to do a precise measurement by a tenth, then you can add the last digit to specify such need.Click on '2DPatternWindow' then 'Change the Scale of Development' then select 'Specify Scale'Measurements are from the highest to the lowest point and to the widest ends and depth, but you usually don't have to worry about depth. REMEMBER TO LOOK FOR THE ENDS. You can easily focus on the major pieces and overlook the edges that stick out and is factored in the 3/2D render. See the above video regarding scale for a good tutorial.Example of height. Simply 32Cm or '320'REMEMBER.If you do not have pepakura DESIGNER and you only have pepakura VIEWER you will not be able to save your changes, so cheat by writing down your measurements to use later!

Star Wars Lightsaber Pepakura Files Foam Sheets

I have recently began making a jedi general's costume based off the obi-wan clone wars costume, like many other people im sure. First off i bought a clone bucket from wallmart. The hasbro one, which, surprisingly, is actually prety awesome. I do plan on modding it (alot).

I get my sintra sheets tomorow, so i will begin making the arms/legs/chest when that gets here. So my main question is can anyone help me with a list of items i will need for making this, tips on using sintra, advice ect.

Also tips on the shape of the arms and legs. I know alot of members here have homemade clone/ST armor, so im sure someone can help me out =)thanks in advance for your help.oh and btw, im not planning on being an obi. Just a random jedi general with the same style robe/armor as obi. Both appear to be needing to make a stop over by first. The animated clone general appears to be wearing full clone armor with a robe over everything except the belt where it's tucked in at.

The movie style looks to have standard clone arms, calves, and shoes, with a specialized (also seamless, and impossible to wear in one piece) neck/chest plate and the robes over the bodysuit but under the upper body armor and a jedi belt. Those are just some of my observations, i'm no clone expert yet.

But i do plan on getting there some day soon. Any head way on this yet? Unfortunately to the costume world, the only person on the market I've seen selling this is starfortress, and from what i've read on this forum, and any other religious SW Costume and Prop forum, he is is a waste of ebay space. So, is anyone open to making this, or has made this? I think the armor is doable, from the pictures, it does look like a vader, but is in three sections (likely for flexibility).Looking for any answers or help on where to start to do this!

If you use medieval armor as a starting point, then it would be a strap and buckle. Buckle with a small strap around 2.5 to 3 inches would go on the inside of the pauldron and the strap would attach to the collar. And you wouldn't have to worry about it showing because the shoulder pauldron would cover the strapping. Also, pieces would be interchangeable that way.This pic is a good example except that the strapping should be on the underside to allow more movement. And history tells us that it will be functional.

And the images from the movie above are in the same configuration. The paldron is actually more complex than you may first think. It's even more then three sections. I've been researching this for myself and have found the Jedi paldron to have 11 sections!!!You have the center piece for the chest, then one for the back. Two strips either side of these for both front and back. Then two more strips on the left and two on the right.


Then the neck ring/collar to complete it. All of these sections are joined by some sort of elastic material. Every section moves freely with the characters body movement.I modelled a solid one piece in 3D which I think is wearable though it will probably restrict movement but will give you the look of the Jedi armor.

I will be working on a more complex multi part version at some point in the future too. With the 3D model I create templates to make them using card and fibreglass or sintra.Here's a pic of the one piece I did. These two 3D reference photos are funny. If you noticed, that second one has this chest armor solid and on first picture it is created from plates similar as this steel armor, connected together to be more flexible. Maybe velcro from inside of these chest plates. Hm rubber armor.

It sounds interesting but it will have some weight then can be problem to paint it. But generally it is interesting idea, cos it will be more flexible than plastic or fiberglass and you have solved problem with return edges on armor parts. May be hybrid/sandwich construction with reinforced core.I will see what will be response of Jedi fans in my country if they will have enought members, who want this Jedi General armor to start think about molds for this. Hey all, first post here and nice site you have here.I'm looking at doing the new Clone Wars series style Jedi armor myself and I'm looking at doing the armor in strips and attaching to a stretchy backing like neoprene or something elastic. This will be my first attempt at something like this since I normally buy my costumes and have never made anything more complicated than a set of Greek armor from pleather.Since I don't vacform I'm looking at making mine from fun foam with a styrene covering, at least that's what I plan on doing with chest piece/collar.

Star Wars Lightsaber Pepakura Files Foam Free


I'm not sure if I'm going to do greaves and I may just buy the arm guards since I'm not sure that I can make anything that rounded using fun foam and styrene or is it possible? Hey all, first post here and nice site you have here.I'm looking at doing the new Clone Wars series style Jedi armor myself and I'm looking at doing the armor in strips and attaching to a stretchy backing like neoprene or something elastic. This will be my first attempt at something like this since I normally buy my costumes and have never made anything more complicated than a set of Greek armor from pleather.Since I don't vacform I'm looking at making mine from fun foam with a styrene covering, at least that's what I plan on doing with chest piece/collar. I'm not sure if I'm going to do greaves and I may just buy the arm guards since I'm not sure that I can make anything that rounded using fun foam and styrene or is it possible? Thanks for the links, I'll definitely check those sites out and see what they have to offer. I'm new to the whole Star Wars armor scene so could anyone tell me if it's common for people to sell off only individual components of their armor.On a related note, how hard is it to make a gauntlet similar to what Obi-wan has in the reference picture of his holding his lightsaber?

Is that something that could be fairly easily using styrene and fun foam or would it require something more involved like casting or fiberglass?