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What is Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool?We exist to help families homeschool. We enable families to homeschool who thought they couldn’t because of a lack of finances, a lack of time, or a lack of know-how. Others join EP just because it’s easy and fun and they’re confident of the quality of education. EP seeks to free families from the burden of pursuing the “perfect” and encourages them to let it be “enough.” Each family and each child is different and we seek to provide the resources to enable your family to be who you were created to be. Try out our new way to access and track lessonsIn 2011, I (Lee Giles) began putting my children’s assignments online so that they could work independently and so that I had the assignments saved for their younger siblings. I also wrote it from the beginning to be able to be used by other families. EP grade levels and individual courses include 180 days of homeschool lessons and assignments. It covers reading, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, math, history/social studies/geography, science, Spanish, Bible, computer, music, art, PE/health, and logic.

It uses only free materials found on the internet.This site holds preschool (getting ready 1), kindergarten (getting ready 2), and first through eighth. (We have a separate.) Choosing a level (on ) will set reading, language arts, math, computer and logic, any of which can be switched to a more appropriate level without affecting the others. Choosing a theme enables all of your children to study the same topic at the same time. The themes are based around the history courses of ancient history, early American history, geography and cultures, and modern history. Music and art are part of these themes and science is set to what would typically be studied at the same time.You choose the courses. Set it and forget it. Then your child just clicks on the lesson link for each course (found on ) and starts clicking through the assignments.

It will track what lesson they are on and their days. It does not save any other information. We do not track your students. It’s just an aid for you.And yes, it’s all free. You’ll need paper, pencil, etc. And some minor supplies if you choose to do the experiments and art projects, but all of the reading materials, etc. Are all free and online.

We do offer offline courses for math, reading, and language arts, which you can find in our store. You can also find workbooks of Printables, the worksheets used in the online courses so that you don’t have to print. There is a suggested donation for using My EP if you so choose.My hope is to enable families to continue homeschooling no matter their life circumstances. A sister site, holds the high school courses.You can read my response to the questions and.You can read more about the curriculum on the and pages. You can also see if your questions have been answered on the page.Note: EP is not an online school. We are a homeschool resource. Your home is the school!

You are the administrator. We’re just here to help you on your way.Scroll down for more recent updates.,. Sorry for not announcing this beforehand, but our History Alive competition is open! You have until February 15th to put together a video.

I’m really excited about this. I think it could be a lot of fun.There are two types of videos you could make. You could do a documentary-like video. For instance, you could use Power Point to make a video presentation. You could also put on a play and video it. It can just be in your living room. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but we need to be able to see and hear you!

To do a play alone, you could do a monologue. You could give a speech as a character or be several characters!This is a history competition. You need to have research and bibliography. The more you can use primary sources, the better. Primary sources are straight from the source: photographs, maps, autobiographies, interviews, letters, speeches, etc.

Try to show a point, an impact, of whatever history topic you are presenting.We’ll be giving out cash prizes just like for our other competitions.Below is a video of a national winner for National History Day. Know that the students who even get to nationals have been working for months and have been through local and state competitions already, but I think it’s nice to have an idea of what it could be. Here’s a example.I hope this excites some of you! Can’t wait to see what people come up with.

Easy Peasy Chinese Pdf Books For Kids

I may even be able to use winning videos in the curriculum! We have a home!In 2016 my family returned to the States after living overseas for fourteen years. In 2017 I told you that we were going to be getting an ADA compliant home from Habitat for Humanity since we have a son in a wheelchair. In 2018 I told you that it fell through and we weren’t getting a home. Since then we’ve been house hunting. We not only looked at homes for our own family, but we looked at homes to move together with my parents. We found a couple homes we really loved but never felt we could move forward on them.

At one point, we made plans with an architect to build onto my parents’ home. In the end, my parents decided to move to a retirement community. It’s something they’ve thought about since long before we started living with them. In fact, they stopped thinking about it when we came back; they liked living together. But with the kids in one bedroom (resulting in the two teen boys sleeping on the couches downstairs) and the clutter of us squeezing into my parents’ 40 years of collections, something had to give.We are taking over my parents’ house and they have moved just ten minutes away.

We’re not really buying their house as much as paying what they needed to move into their new place. This is the only house I know, as they moved in when I was a toddler. My one son was even born here. The house is all paid off, so we are in a debt-free house, which was our hope. We have always lived without debt, so this was a big deal to us.When my parents took their furniture, we took advantage of the emptiness and had the floors on the first floor redone to be level.

Every room had a transition which made it impossible for our youngest son to get around independently. He now can wheel himself around the house and is loving the independence of it.We’ve moved quickly to settle in, though there is a lot still for my parents to go through to decide what they want before we purge the rest.

That year of working Saturdays at the Habitat store paid off and they’ve been giving us discounts on their discounted furniture, resulting in our getting six large pieces of furniture for less than $200.We’ve got a lot to do in order to feel settled in (still don’t have a couch), but we’re getting there and are thankful that after all this time it happened at the end of the year when EP work is slow, so we’ve been able to pour time into cleaning and organizing as fast as we can, so we can get back to normal as fast as we can.This was a huge thing for me. We’ve accepted the Lord has us here in the States for now, and are very thankful for our own place.


I’ve had to guard my heart against longings for a home for years while we were overseas. I saw my friends getting homes and settling in and as a homebody, it’s what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t what the Lord had chosen for us. In the first two decades of marriage, we lived in more than a dozen apartments, moving twenty times, with furloughs and such. When we got back to the States, I let myself start dreaming of my own home, but the wait was hard. I know the Lord has worked it out for the best in His placement and timing. We would have been willing to live anywhere in the world, but He’s brought us right back to where it started.My husband and I just celebrated 22 years of marriage. He’s working for EP now.

We work daily on replacing Flash activities and are making changes to some of our high school courses in order to see if it’s possible to get any of them approved by ACE for college credit. That’s a years-long process, so I can’t answer any questions about that.

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“To see if it’s possible” is where we are at right now, but those are some of the big projects we’re working on together, for you. 🙂This spring we’re also planning on hosting a together. This is for high school students. The first group will start in March.

We’re hoping every high schooler will consider taking part in one of the groups at some point. I think it would be amazing for every kid to experience.

The cost is just a recommended donation, so that everyone can participate. Any money leftover from things like this, the Spanish classes, and the competitions just goes right back into EP. We’re here to serve this community. We’re accepting submissions through November 15th.

Students will conduct an experiment and present their findings using a Google Slides presentation. The link to their presentation will go on our site for our audience to enjoy and for our judges to consider.We’ve got a real rocket scientist looking at your presentations!Groups can enter. Your kids can work together, or they could work together with a group of friends.

And we’d never exclude anyone from participating because they can’t pay the entrance fee, just contact us.You can find all the directions on our page.